
Saturday, February 26, 2011

Understanding Pythagorean Theorem – A Review of the Immutable Pythagorean Equation

Throughout the ages, mankind struggled to seek out ways to understand the measurement of shapes and figures which led to the derivation of many useful mathematical theories.

One of such lasting mathematical knowledge that persisted in modern mathematical applications is the Pythagorean Theorem.

We may recall this theory from our high school or college math subjects although we tend to have forgotten all about it due to infrequent use. Yet in some instances we might come across certain circumstances which would require us to use the Pythagorean Theorem. If you happen to be searching for a simple review about this theory, then read my short but very informative lesson complete with easy to learn examples about What is Pythagorean Theorem – A Recap of the Famous Pythagorean Equation

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