
Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Overwhelming Evolution Of Technology

The passing of time is still and always will be a mystery that cannot be controlled. And as we move forward with time, it brings forth so many issues and events that unfolds before our very eyes faster than we could ever imagine,
and changes brought about by technological innovations takes place at a rapid rate beyond our ability to keep up with the pace of its progression since our capacity is restricted only within the confines of our limited technological literacy, which often makes us wonder what will they think of next?

We know for a fact that education begins at home where we cultivate our mental faculty and grow up to become civilized human beings. But technology also plays a vital role in our developmental process from infancy to maturity, its profound impact is changing the way we learn how to interact and exist with the modern world. Technology has become an indispensable tool which is impossible for us to live without as we grow so comfortably accustomed to our domesticated human environment.

Technology is undeniably a part of our everyday life, it is constantly evolving on a regular basis that new changes happens almost instantly even now as you are reading this post, and there's just no way we can keep up with the changes as we continue to engage ourselves in our daily affairs consumed with a lifestyle that is so tremendously filled with overwhelming technological distractions.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Technology As A Tool In The Hands Of The Human Race

We have been accustomed to coexist with technology. Metaphorically speaking we are on a technological voyage, we have been on board this ship for ages now, and we have to keep steering the ship to the right direction to reach a successful destination. We have been through a lot of stormy weathers but we managed to stay afloat and sailing. But where will our relentless technological voyage lead us? Throughout history there are those among us who proclaimed themselves as the dominant superior ones, who unethically took immediate advantage of our unsuspecting nature by enforcing their influential authority to turn every possible circumstance to their potential benefit to serve their deranged purpose. Having greatest ascendancy and decisive advantage these greedy arrogant individuals were opportunistic enough to deliberately risk the welfare of those who are considered inferior by persuading the inferior ones to test the depth of the water with both feet and drown, so that the prevalence of their selfish purpose can continue to inherit the earth by benefiting from the demise of the inferior ones in order to accommodate only a sufficient number of selected prominent few to remain on board the voyage for adequate consumption of our increasingly exhausted environmental resources.

What happened cannot be undone, but the past serves as a basic fundamental foundation for us to patiently endure what is yet to come in the future. The experiences we have learned from the past taught us that for every action there is an equal opposite reaction. And we should know how to deal with the consequences of our actions, not risk the welfare of the others as a result of our excessive environmental consumption, which brings about the consequential tendency for territorial conquest to become the ultimate last resort, as nations rise against nations as they become rivals in their struggle for survival with their simultaneous demand for the consumption of our depleted environmental resources.

Striving for higher power through technological means for the achievement of territorial supremacy to gain global dominance is the major contributing factor that continue to cause the largest problems related to the further degradation of our planet.